Saturday, December 13, 2014

Short Story Review - Daemonology

Short Story - Daemonology
Writer - Chris Wright
Series - Horus Heresy
Published By - Black Library

To be honest I was a bit reluctant to pick this up, as I have not previously read any Horus Heresy novels (which I have been meaning to start from the beginning for quite awhile now). My knowledge of the event is very minimal, specially from various sources (mostly reviews) from the internet. But somehow I decided to read this short, and I am quite glad I did.
It is quite an interesting read about the leader of Death Guard Mortarion, after his abandonment of the pursuit of the White Scars and his search while destroying the systems of the Prosperine empire. As readers we get into his psyche as we learn about his hatred for anything to do with sorcery and his reluctance to accept chaos entity's as allies. And then we get to his confrontation with a demon host which leads to interesting consequences and foreshadows the events of his future.     

Chris Wright had a fine grasp of the plot and presented the characters enjoyably even in this small scope. His prose was quite intriguing and the presentation style was top notch too, which led to a quick read in one sitting for me.

Only complain I have is about the length, wish it was at least a novella. 
This gets 4.5 out of 5 stars from me.

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