Friday, April 28, 2017

Mini-Comic Review - Flash #21

Name - Flash #21
Published by - DC Comics
Written by - Joshua Williamson
Art by - Howard Porter
Coloring by - Hi-Fi
Letters by - Steve Wands
Release Date: April 26, 2017

We get to see Flash's perspective on this second part of 'The Button', which, while not as action or moody as the first part is still almost as enjoyable in its own way. Flash uses his experience as a crime scene investigator to try to solve the mystery of the button which has gotten rather complicated by the death of Thawne. Desperate times results in desperate measures as our two heroes use extreme means to get to the bottom of things and literally stumbles into the next cliffhanger ending.

After an introduction through another little cameo from Mr. Thunder, a member of Justice Society reminiscing days only he remembers; Joshua Williamson does a great job of delving into Barry Allen's mind as he tries as first rather as a human to acknowledge to accept that his mother's killer is finally dead. Then his heroism kicks in and Flash starts to use his expertise as a detective and with the help from his powers to solve the mystery behind the predicament. Then he decides to use the cosmic treadmill to find out the killer by following his energy signature and as Bruce is Bruce he eventually joins despite his weakened state.

This time the focus is on the mystery and the characters, unlike the first part where the visceral fight between Batman and Reverse Flash. And it is an equally fun read by the author and artist slowly revealing the threads of DC universe's long history, specially detailed in the Watchtower room filled with Easter eggs.

Howard Porter did a fine job with his drawing with emphasis on facial expressions as well as using a limited scope to fit in lots of bits and pieces of DC history through his art. Though we still don't get to see a clear involvement from Dr Manhattan, Porter & Hi-Fi use the blue light throughout the issue, hinting at the antagonist (or the God?!) that our heroes are trying to reach.

Despite not being as good as the first part this second part of 'The Button' does what it was meant to in terms of storytelling and ends in such a cliffhanger that should be able to keep the readers well hanged till the next issue.

4 out of 5 stars from me.

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